Thursday, February 5, 2009

5 Feb 2009
I forget to write on this blog, but enjoy reading others, so guess we need to contribute.
Nothing new with GP and his cancer. We will have a PET SCAN in three weeks and know then if the new Chemo is doing any good. Remember us in your prayers.
We had a happy-sad Christmas, as many of you know. The happy part was a couple of good days spent with all our family except Matt's bunch who are in Alabama.
Did you all know before you started your families that those kids and grandkids will bring you more happiness and more stress than you can almost stand? If we knew that before, no one would have kids!
Anyway, in our old age, we find that just a smile from a great grand, or a hug and an "I love you" from a grand can make our day bright and happy.
Let us hear from you all.
GP & GM Hatch